The Onion

Monday, April 21, 2008

Five ways to tell if you're an idiot.

1. You have stickers like these on your car:

2. You watch American Idol, America's Got Talent, The Bachelor, baseball, Big Brother, or Survivor.

3. Titanic is your all-time favorite movie and/or you think 300 totally kicked ass.

4. You look like, or wish you looked like, these morons:

5. Linkin' Park is your favorite band.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Five people that ought to be choked

No time for chit chat today. Gettin' down to business.

1. The Verizon Guy.
Holy fuck! It's all I can do to not put my fist through the TV everytime I see him on there. That smirk plus the smug attitude! I had a wet dream where Hulk Hogan came out of retirement, got roid rage, and then wrapped his 24" pythons around this guys neck. (I'm pretty sure I'm not gay.)

2. Actors that brag about how hard they work.
Let's say your flipping channels looking for cleavage or sluts wrestling in jello or something and you come across Access Hollywood or the Insider. Odds are they are covering some kind of movie premier and you check it out because there's the possibility that there will be a wardrobe malfunction and you'll see nipples. Hasn't happened yet but there is ALWAYS an actor talking about the long hours and getting into character or some shit. Boo hoo. Most of us work long hours for way less money AND we can't take two months off after every month long shoot. Quit your bitching or get a new job.

3. Protestors at all the wrong places.
First there was Cindy Sheehan and some anti war groups at the Rose Parade this year. Then there was a gaggle of them trying to disrupt the Olympic Torch run because China tortures people, pollutes the environment and occupies Tibet. Sure China sucks and the war in Iraq is a problem. But don't try to bring politics to something that should be apolitical. If your cause is that worthy, you'd be getting all the press you need without having to latch onto the coat tails of a non-related, more popular event. Protesting the use of pesticides in commercial flower production would be appropriate for the Rose Parade but the war in Iraq. WTF? By the way, why do we care about Tibet?

4. John McCain
My nightmare vision of every politician embracing 'universal care' is coming true. He was on with George S. this morning explaining HIS plan and why it's better than Obama's or Hillary's. Eight years ago he campaigned as Luke Skywalker. Kind of cool. He's also been behind campaign finance reform. Can't say I agree with it but at least he's acting like he cares. Kind of cool. Now this? What's worse is the three viable choices for President are almost virtually identical. Iraq? We need to leave but clean it up first. Healthcare? Universal care. Free trade? Depends on the country but we'll see how the polls come back. Illegal immigration? There should be a pathway to citizenship. I was really hoping he'd go against the grain on something.

5. Linkin Park.
They continue to get more and more air play. Yet they still suck. Have we as a society crumbled so much that playing Linkin Park is acceptable?

If you see any of these people choke them for me. Or at least put someone in the Camel Clutch.