The Onion

Sunday, February 10, 2008

5 reasons to NOT vote for Hillary

All right, sweet thangs...Iron Balls is back! Been out a few getting the balls polished to a high shine. Now I'm ready to take it to Hillary. (You know you would, too.) My five reasons to NOT vote for Hillary now or come November.

1. She's a woman.
Before you get your panties in a bunch, I mean don't vote for her simply because she's a woman and you 1) want to see history or 2) you will only vote for a woman because you're a woman. Makes no sense. This is like expecting the most ardent, white Democrat to vote for McCain over Obama just because McCain's white.

2. She has no experience.
I'm all for a citizen politician. But, Hillary claims to have all the political know how but has yet to do anything. To hear her tell it, she was the president behind the president during the Bill Clinton years. Then, she moved to a state after polling to see if she'd get elected. And with name recognition, didn't really have to campaign.

3. She's a hypocrite.
Yes she's now a politician and hypocrisy is to be expected but she's given Bush a ration of shit after voting to support him invading Iraq. Then she voted for every single one of his requests for more Iraq money. Reminds me of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying that money in the hands of the people will lift the economy. Haven't the Republicans been trying to do that for the last 30 years? (Nevermind their spending habits for the last eight.)

4. Universal health care.
I've got shiny, iron balls so I'm just going to say it. HEALTH CARE IS NOT A RIGHT. I realize a president doesn't have so much power to create universal health care on her own. But, with enough TV time and the lack of backbone by anyone to say HEALTH CARE IS NOT A RIGHT, all of the other pols will fall into line and cave. Especially when Hillary introduces a blind, armless 4 year old with a stutter at her first State of the Union. Then, she'll say, "This little girl would be like any other little girl if the big, bad healthcare industry were would make service more affordable. Like it'd be under my plan." Holy fuck, I'm really scared.

5. Bill Clinton.
Imagine Billy Carter getting the press of Britney Spears. No, worse. Imagine Bill Clinton acting like Britney Spears. But, he'd be the delegate to the UN. It'd be entertaining for a week or so. Then it just wouldn't stop. Ever.

Do everyone you know a favor and encourage them to vote for Ron Paul. Seriously. If you're a Democrat and don't have open primaries, write him in. The worst case scenario would be giving the poll workers something to talk about.

Iron Balls OUT!

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