The Onion

Monday, February 25, 2008

Man killed after being bit during shark dive.

Link to the story

So I know there's going to be a bunch of people up in arms over "chumming" the water during these shark dives, saying how dangerous it is, and it should be stopped, etc. because of this attack. Of course it is dangerous to dive with animals that can kill you after you've used the blood and guts of other animals to attract them, but how many other people have been killed during these dives? If you count the number of people who have gone on commercial shark dives, the number of photographers who have gone on shark dives, the number of divers who happened to come across sharks on their dives, the number of swimmers who have unwittingly been swimming with sharks in the vicinity, and the number of surfers who go into the water every day, it's pretty obvious that sharks aren't out there killing people every chance they get. In fact, this one death now ties 2008 with all of 2007 for fatal shark attacks. (LINK) So while it is unfortunate that someone was killed, let's hope the media doesn't turn this into a huge deal.

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